About Eva

For more than 25 years I have trained and coached leaders and teams in national and international corporations, and government agencies in Sweden. 

As a long-time trainer of coaches, I also love working with coaches who are either self-employed or work in corporate settings.

I started my coaching and consulting company, bonne vie® in 1995 to foster the practice of living a good life – professionally and personally. My background in Behavioural Sciences and my decades of offering coaching, mentoring and training have combined to allow me to offer you all the necessary tools to co-create your own best life. 

When I found out about coaching twenty years ago, I immediately became one of the first entrepreneurs to bring CTI to Sweden in 2003. I wanted to have an impact and increase the quality of coaching and leadership training in Sweden. As a faculty member of the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) since 2007, I have trained hundreds of coaches. Whether as a CTI Certification Program Supervisor or as a private coaching mentor, I work with people to not only pass their International Coaching Federation (ICF) and CTI Certification Exams but to train people to successfully create the personal and professional changes they desire. 

I am a dynamic process leader and coach, who brings courage, passion and creativity to every engagement. My direct approach predicated on humour, warmth and respect, elicits the full potential of my clients and contributes to their in-depth learning and rich performance. How could it be otherwise? Being named Eva Bonnevier, I was destined to do this work from birth!

My company name bonne vie® is a part of my last name. And it’s French for “good life”.


  • MCC certified from ICF (International Coach Federation)
  • CPCC certified from CTI (Certified Co-Active Coach)
  • CTPC certified from TCI (Team Coaching International)
  • ICF member
  • CTI Leadership and Leadership Mastery Program Graduate
  • Core Curriculum of Organization & Relationship System Coaching at CRR (Centre for Right Relationship) Graduate
  • University Degree in Behavioral Science


Founder of bonne vie® 1995

Leadership development and coaching for individuals and teams.

I have worked with corporations/organisations such as PwC, Supercell, JBTFoodTech, Länsförsäkringar, Malmö University, Police Academy, Oslo, EON, Consafe, Telefonica, Tetra Pak and the Migration Agency, etc.

Co-Active Training Institute®, CTI

Faculty member since 2007 in CTI Certification Program. Supervising international coaches – individuals and groups.